Southern Konnevesi
"In Southern Konnevesi National Park, visitors can enjoy the wide open waters of the lake in a boat, or canoe through a maze of islands among smooth glaciated rocks and vertical rock walls. In the clear water, you will be able to catch a glimpse of the depths that are the domain of the wild lake brown trout. Breathtaking contrasts characterise this national park. You can trek from herb-rich forests to high cliffs for a view over the magnificent landscape of the osprey."
By luontoon.fi
Unhurried camping course in Southern Konnevesi national park 3 days
The price includes taxes, online course and guidance.
Moderate level. Variable terrain and altitude differences. Walking about 4-6 hours/day.
3 days
Sleeping overnight in tents in the forest.
Online course
The online course is part of this course. We talk about the preparation, equipment list and hiking food before starting the excursion. The online course will be held one month before the course starting date.

Camping gear
You can borrow hiking equipment from friends/relatives, or rent them from outdoor stores or online if you do not have your own yet. Additional information.
Group size
The maximum size of the group is 6 people.
Who can join?
For those who are interested in hiking, or would like to try a new hobby.
You have plans for hiking.
You do not have a lot of experience in hiking.
This camping course does not require any previous hiking experience and you do not need to have your own camping equipment. Additional information about hiking equipment if you are missing it
One day of the 3-day course trip is about 5 kilometers (+/- 2 km), and we take breaks at regular intervals. We hike a total of about 16 km long. There are some challenging areas in the terrain, so participants are required to have normal condition and movement ability.
Registration by email at info@henkireikaoutdoor.com or SMS +358 443 041 863. Tell us which course you would like to join. After registration, you will be added to a WhatsApp group, where hikers can get to know each other and agree about transportation if needed. Participants will also receive a link to our online course and more detailed information about the hiking.
Course contents
What kind of equipments are needed for hiking?
How to dress correctly in different weather conditions in the countryside?
Learn how to use an outdoor map and its markers.
How to navigate in the nature?
What kind of camping stove do you need for hiking?
Practice camping routines.
What kind of food do we eat while hiking in the nature?
Learn how to prepare a backpack properly.
Which types of camping options are available?
Kalaja car parking
Törmälän metsätie 136, Rautalampi