Adventures in the nature! By wilderness guide Sakari Belghiti
Henkireikä Outdoor organizes hikes to different locations from summer to autumn.
Choose a trekking destination and read more!
Do you already have basic knowledge about camping and some hiking experience? Probably you want to get new tips and/or more experience on this.
Or do you want to hike, but you do not have the skills to read a map and/or navigate? Henkireikä Outdoor guides you on hiking/trekking with professionalism and experience. You will learn a lot of useful information about hiking and you will learn how to navigate the terrain and read a map, as well as camping routines.
You do not need to have your own camping equipment in order to coming hiking. If you are missing some camping gear, you can read more about the equipment.
Participating in the hike requires a little previous hiking experience, for example from trips lasting at least two nights, camping routines and the acquired habit of carrying a backpack.
Henkireikä Outdoor